How would you save your life when faced with a Demon?

Hello Book Lovers,

What would you do to save your life when faced with a demon?

I bring you Cheyenne Jenvey’s book Dragonflies and Demons. She has one powerful testimony. I can see her being a motivational speaker and I can also see this as a movie.

When I read this book streams of tears poured from my face. I did not grow up with a silver spoon or a white picket fence. When I was younger I always dreamt of those things. But, I was always happy that my mom made so much happen with the little that she had.

It has also come up a lot this last week that my brother paid for my driving school. And, just a couple weeks ago my oldest is now in driving school. The same exact driving school with the same instructor. In my town, it’s known as the right of passage for driving. I am very grateful for it.

When I was younger, I really connected myself with the Salvation Army church. I loved that they helped so many people without any judgments. When I attended it was the first time in my life where I made so many friends. And, now I have had friends around the world since then. I am very grateful because it always gave such a positive experience and a close bond with God.

I started to go in the 7th grade just as the pastors were switching a lot of people left and a lot of new people came too. I ended up staying because I was watching how some of my friends were giving in to the gang and drug lifestyle. I would beg for them all to go to church with me but to some that was more important so we all went our separate ways then other friends became like family to me.   In January of my 7th grade year that is when I truly accepted the love of God in my life as a savior.  Even though I did not go through Cheyenne’s experiences in life. I am very thankful that I had avoided those demons as well. I also believe it was through the work of God that saved me.

When I became an adult I went through some life-crisis. I started to go to therapy. My heart gets full instantly when I am able to help others or craft things. It’s always been like that since I was little. However, I had one heart break after the other. Where I literally cried everyday for a very long time. So, she (my life coach, therapist) challenged me to really think about my life and where I would like to be.

Since I loved helping others I worked on becoming a teacher. It took some years to complete but I had dedicated myself everyday to achieve it. I ended up with 2 teaching credentials and a master’s degree and an extra authorization.  By the end of it, my personal life was crumbling while questioning my life.  Once again God has put some amazing people in my life to help me keep moving forward. This was not easy, I kept working with my doctors and my therapist as my life coach because it brought me right back to the next question.  What is my dream life?

It took me years to answer this once again. Although I still have a passion for teaching, I want to dedicate myself to keeping the family name alive.  It breaks my heart that less and less people are aware of the works of other related members in the McMurtry family. I feel now that it is hidden in plain sight. Soon, very soon I will get to share my poetry book with the world around us, in hopes that it will help others and build everlasting friends. I appreciate you for even taking the time to read to the end to find that for me it always circles around with building faith all over and connecting with God’s people. It’s normally not my vibe to be this open about my personal beliefs because I want everyone to feel welcomed here. I hope that you will be comfortable sharing…

How would you save your life when faced with a Demon?

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What would you do to prove your love?

Hello Book-Lovers,

I hope your day was as delightful as mine! I am asking you what you would do to prove your love because of the book, “It Starts With US.” This book has mixed reviews due to book 1. However, Colleen Hoover did note in the beginning  this book was a slower pace book. I also have noticed that some people are taking notes about allegations against her son and are making a choice not to read her stories anymore. But, what about you?

This also ties into the story because of how Atlas and Lily’s relationship develops throughout the story.  They both have to take things slow but at the same time deal with life events that take place in the story. I really enjoyed the parts where they show they care for each other even when they are so tired and fall asleep. It is now on my bucket list of things to have for when I settle down and get a husband. I will be watching how they will show they care even when life storms blow through or to the days that I am so tired that I fall to sleep.

I remember one time with my ex-boyfriend that I was so tired that I refused to cook that day, it happened to be after a 13 hour workday. He also knew in advance that I would not be cooking dinner that night and he mentioned that he was happy to make dinner that night. But, the reality is…he didn’t. Looking back on that I was upset but then I cooled off after a short period of time. But, I wished I would’ve paid more attention to the small things, taking notes of all the words and actions. I would've saved myself so much time knowing he wasn’t the one for me. And, that was the hardest thing. I am just grateful that I didn’t marry that one after all.

I often think about how I will show my future husband that I care because at this point I really don’t have the time to be dating between reading and writing, spending time with family, and having a passionate career. In good timing, good things will come together; so for now I will stay focused on “World Domination.” ;-)

Here are my questions for you.

1) What would you do to prove your love?

2). How do you know you are loved or that you weren’t?

3). Have you read this book?

4). Have you or will you be watching the movie, “It ends with us?”

5). How do you feel about the allegations regarding Colleen Hoover’s son?

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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What’s really important?

Hello Book-Lovers,

Today we are chatting about the book, “Part of Your World,” by Abby Jimenez. This story is one I could see in the movies.  It makes you feel all kinds of emotions; especially with falling in love over a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich. It was easy to visualize. And, at the end it made me realize that I am pursuing my own family legacy. While the characters were finding theirs.  It was an interesting journey because they both come from two different worlds. I don’t want to give any spoiler alerts; so, how about we talk about the family legacy you are leaving for your world.

As for me, if I have a half life then I just want to be able to leave behind a book for them to read purposefully to evoke feelings. I just sent off some sketches and some more edits for the revision from actually reading the book. I really can’t wait for this to come to fruition. And, for you as my everlasting friend to read it as well. I wonder what emotions it will bring out for you as well?

So, what things are you doing for the world around you; even if it seems it doesn’t belong?  Will you follow through with your own legacy you want to live out?  How will this tell the world around you that love conquers all?

Let me know if you have read or are going to read, “Part of Your World,” by Abby Jimenez.

Happy Readings,

Alice McMurtry

In Light N Love Everyone!

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What gifts/talents do you bring to this world?

Hello Book-Lovers,

I hope you are having a wonderful day! I just finished reading, “A Touch of Kindness” by R. Loomis. This book was a very fun and sweet story. I think it’s awesome for every age even though the age is Y.A. After reflecting about gifts and talents it made me wonder what my gifts are?!? I usually just do things to evoke feelings or to make people feel loved or just for a laugh but I never thought about kindness being a gift within itself. I always thought of it as an expectation.

When I started teaching I used to love to sneak into the staff room but put little tiny thoughtful things in the mailbox for all staff. So, this year for the first day of school for the staff I thought about doing something a little different. I don’t want to share that until I get it together and given to the staff. However, I don’t think I will have enough to produce for each person. So, let’s stay in touch to see what happens. I am so excited for this upcoming school year because my book is almost at its fruition and for the many good things up ahead.

So, what is your talent and gifts to share with this world?

I look forward to hearing about the good you are doing in your life as well.

Happy Reading,

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Stop Procrastinating

Hello Book Lovers,

Are you ready for a life changing experience to the point you stop putting things off and you are able to accomplish everything you are set out to do with time to spare. Then I shall bring to your attention, “Eat That Frog! By: Brian Tracy.  I originally picked up this book because I was going through a time in life that I felt like I had a foggy brain and that I wasn’t as productive as I would’ve liked to be. It is hard to have a well-balanced lifestyle; plus, I just thought the title was a fun one with the benefit of learning 21 strategies, would be amazing. And, it was with some good analogies too!

When I read this book it gave me so many ideas and things to stay motivated to actually be more productive. I reflect back on my life’s journey at all of my accomplishments; it makes me proud of myself and especially the one that I will get to share with you in the near future. I just wanted to share this just in case you or anyone else would like to find ways to help with stop procrastinating. As your friend, I know life can be daunting sometimes and finding a place to start at can be difficult; however, with “Eat That Frog, it doesn’t have to be. I hope this helps you with continuing to build a life to love.

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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Stupid Actions?!?

Hello Book Lover,

Have you ever done something stupid and then it messed up the trajectory of your life? 

Today I bring you, “10 Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives,” written by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

This book was recommended to me while I was facing some huge obstacles in my life. I am so glad it was. At first, I had a hard time picking up this book thinking it was just going to be about the do’s and don’ts of life but it was way better than that. It was like reading a newspaper column from Dear Abby.   Now I can see why this book is a great recommendation for anyone having to start over or is in the dating scene. It was life saving and the examples in this book are jaw dropping!

Dr. Laura Schlessinger has 13 New York bestsellers, including “The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage. She also runs a radio program that is on Sirius/XM radio channel 109 since 2011 and is also available via streaming, download and podcast on

I hope it helps you and your loved ones. 

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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If you had a karma voucher, what would it get you?

In this book, “Being Zara,” By Eva Lauder. She brings so many concepts to the story, with the journey of romance as well. And, we have this opportunity to learn about M.S. I really enjoyed the idea of karma vouchers. It makes me wonder if we all had karma vouchers would we get to do amazing things at wonderful places or not?

This play by play book gives you a timestamp of what it is like to be Zara. It was interesting to see how the end was going to play out for Zara because she valued love and wanted to be loved. She had a whirlwind of obstacles in her love life throughout the book. Even with her love life she still valued her baby the most while she was able to work out a dating life too.  Have you ever thought of the choices we make in our love life when we are younger and how that impacts our adult life?  If you could change it, would you???

Happy Readings,

Alice McMurtry


  1. The author copy and L.O.C. 's copy for Friction Strikes A Light Within has been produced and was put in the mail today. This means I need to wrap up my merch for the book as well. Please let me know what is your favorite merch to get from your beloved books?

  2. Today, we were able to hand out one book for Legendary Black. I am so excited to see what happens next.  Have you read Legendary Black by Phil J. Gabriel? Sooo Goood.

  3. I also need to send out A Royal Street Witch book merch and an extra gift to Jenna Walker.  Any thoughts if I should go back to get the gift wrapped by them. (It is so special when they do) Or just get it to her. What is your preference?

  4. I am very grateful it’s been one year of blogging!!!! I am so happy for everyone loving their book merch that we were able to send out. Many more good things to happen. :-) What’s been your favorite.

In Light N Love!!!

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If you had one wish to go back into time, where would you go?

It’s time to talk about being in the depths of despair while searching for the will to live! If you could go back in time to a regret to out live it again just to see what the outcome could’ve been. Would you? Would you want to stay? Would you want to switch to another moment in your life instead?

Sometimes, I feel like I just live my life in a Satire kind of style with one problem after another. I usually just laugh it off. Like having a front yard full of dirt. The cars that love to live in the shop. Then I face the will to live when the dishes are stacked up but yet I don’t feel like doing them but it’s a must! If I don’t, how would I ever eat again? lol.  But, would I trade in my best friend in for what I thought was happiness? Well, I guess you will have to readmybook! LOL! I did take up the challenge to answer what do I want. And, soon this book will be published. It’s a good question to ask, did I trade him in to give birth to my book? ;-) I thought it was just going to be this one time publishing but stay tuned because there is so much instore for us all. As for now, let me know if you are going to enjoy reading this British Satire book that is finding the will to live at “The Midnight Library.”  This book is brilliantly created by Matt Haig, it is worth it’s awards but you must read to find out why. Enjoy!

In Love N Light

Alice McMurtry

AKA: Ms.TeacherAlice

Up Next:

Book Review: Part of Your World Abby Jimenez

Currently Reading: Meet Zara by Eva Lauder

Book Update: I am waiting on the author copy and I made an order of bookmarks that will be arriving soon. In the meantime, I have been working on wrapping up other author merch while creating Friction’s book merch. However, I have a very important question to ask…

Since, I am making a book merch for Friction Strikes a Light Within…

I want to do P.R. Boxes and some deluxe boxes with gifts for readers to open as they read along kind of like an advent calendar. However, I want the book edges to be gilded and put notes to let readers pause and open a gift. This would mean that the book would have to be cracked open to do so.  Now, would you rather crack your own book or would you like to have the gifts and gilded edges? Please let me know…  Your soon to be author in dire need!!!!

Next Book Merch to be sent out: D.W. Cole and Jenna Walkers….

Happy Reading Everyone!

In Light N Love!!!!

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Relationship advice? What’s yours?!

On this blog we are featuring the book:

They Don’t End Up Together By Heather Zinda

This book is about Jette. She holds a career as a wedding photographer while living in her hometown San Francisco.  Jette is single.  She has been meeting men on the apps and in person. She finally meets a very desirable man with an amazing career and he is safe and secure in his life. Then Jette’s best friend gets engaged which brings in her ex-boyfriend that there are still a lot of feelings in between them. However, the ex-boyfriend is working on his healing journey.

I don’t want to give away too much details of both the men nor do I want to tell you which one Jette ends up with. I do believe this book is a great book to read for enlightenment purposes. And, plus I believe this book really truly needs a part two to the story.

For us on the blog, I want to know if you were Jette’s best friend; what kind of advice would you give her?!?

In Light N Love,

Alice McMurtry

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How would you prove your innocent?

The Dog Days of Murder written by award winning author M.K. Dean

*****5 STARS*****

This cozy pet lovers mystery is outstanding. All paws are in this even the grouchy twin Siamese cats. When you are responsible for everything while taking care of it all but all the evidence is being pin on you. And, your mother thinks she is helping but it’s just making the situation even more stickier than a fly on a trap. Just to top it off Ginny’s ex-boyfriend is steaming hot and is now the new Sheriff in town. And, he’s been demanding answers to solve this mystery. Will their old flame spark a match in the investigation?

This story is worth the time reading. What would you do if you were Ginny?

Happy Reading Detectives!

In Love N Light,

Alice McMurtry

PS: We have officially caught up on the Ginny Reese Series.

It has been a year since we have started to book blog this series. This means it is time to celebrate .

We have hand crafted M.K. Dean some merch. In her box we packed magnets, keychains, bookmarks, buttons, and some stickers, a journal, and a notecard. The exciting part is that the box should arrive on her birthday. Whoot! Whoot!

May you all have a wonderful day!

Be safe out there. :-)

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What would you do to protect yourself?

Hello Book Lovers,

I just finished reading, “The Embarrassment of Itches,” by M.K. Dean. This book has everything, awesome character building, a trusty dog, a touch of romance, a punch of humor, it’s a page turner to the end. This is a cozy mystery that gives off vibes like Murder She Wrote. Let me know if you will be picking up this book! Up Next will be, “The dog days of murder, By M.K. Dean.

The most important thing I want to know is what would you do to protect yourself from a bunch of heap?

Let’s get blogging Mystery Lovers!

In Light N Love,

Alice McMurtry

Up Next:

The Dog Days of Murder, M.K. Dean

As well as finish up her book merch to send to her.

I linked below the books for you to get them easier. :-)


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183 Reasons Alanna Grace

Get ready for some summer sparks and cool breeze by reading 183 Reasons by Alanna Grace. This is a sweet slow burn but also refreshing to see how Solia and Jackson work through trials and tribulations to save Solia’s family’s log cabin from a sale at the same time seeing how Jackson will do anything to be there for her as they both discover there is more than what meets the eye.

I really enjoyed reading this story because I absolutely love to go out paddle boarding and spending time in the lake or at the ocean is just amazing. Please keep in mind that this book is for adults with the language and scenes. Overall, the story has a small town charm along with it. I hope you paddle through this book and let the water meet the sky. The bonus is a story about overcoming obstacles while reading a slow burn romance. Beautiful story.

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Run On Red

Run on Red

By: Noelle W. Ihli

Get Ready, Get Set, Go! Be ready to flip each page till the end for this thriller that will have your heart pounding. Your heart will race with every step of this story! The words that tell this story are woven together with extra sequins that shine even in the dead of night that makes it feel like you are watching an HBO hit. This book was hard to put down and pick up later. I wanted to read it in one sitting but I had to stay on schedule. So, beware that this could happen to you. Now it’s your turn to grab this book and give it a whirl.

Now you tell me, Will you be reading this book?

Frightful Reading Everyone!

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Legendary Black

Legendary Black by: Philip J Gabriel

This story is an outstanding work of historical fiction. This story begins with a new beginning with the one Fedrick Black and his journey to arrive at greatness. This is your ticket to take a journey back in time around the 1920’s , where Harry Houdini takes his last breath. This story is legendary, you can read all about it in the headlines in this book. This book is amazing for all ages; especially, young adults, middle school, and adults. It is a great opportunity to be reminded why it is important to follow your true destiny, and the struggle of what it takes, to do what you are made to do…

don’t be basic, be LEGENDARY, be inspired, be a dedicated reader!

Your destiny awaits!

Now, tell me…

Will you be reading this book?

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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The One: A Thriller

The One written by: Audrey J. Cole

(Book Review is at the bottom)

I am excited to announce that this is our book for the upcoming book from our TBR.

Are you ready for a thriller?

Here’s a little sneak peek

“…To save their marriage, Sloane must forgive her husband’s affair. Instead, she tries a more tempting option-settling the score.

But will it prove to be a deadly mistake?”

Now, it’s time to go read!

Be back soon!!!

In Love N Light

Alice McMurtry

Book REVIEW *****5 Stars *****

This book is a page turner. She does a great job with building tensity with the characters, the story line, and she keeps you on your toes. I give it a 5 because of the dynamics of the story. She also stays true to the nature of the characters and sticking with what they firmly believe is the best thing to do. I really enjoy this book, when I first picked it up it was not what I thought it was going to be about, I was so happy about that. So, now it’s your turn to pick it up and start to turn the page. It’s time to dive in!

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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The Royal Street Witch

The Royal Street Witch By: Jenna Walker

***** 5 Stars *****

This book keeps a great pacing throughout the whole book, from the world building and adding realistic locations. It is fantastic with the intense passion with the witch Aster and the Vampire Bastian. This book does contain adult scenes and some choice words that is adult appropriate. However, Jenna does a great job with the story being a page turner. I started reading I section off the book into parts to pace myself but what happened was I ended up finishing the book before I had a chance to finish my coffee because it was that great of a story. Trust me, I absolutely love coffee and now this book.

My question is who will win the autograph copy of “The Royal Street Witch,” with the colored edges.

What color do you think the edges should be…

Rules for entry:

1). Must be on the Everlasting Friendship list

2). Must be 18 years or older

3). Must be shipped in the United States

4). Write on this blog… :-)

You may leave some emoji’s, you can tell us if you are a fan of witches and/or vampires. You may even tell us if you would prefer all year long to be October and get to celebrate all year long for Halloween?!? Jenna Walker loves the month of October and her personality shines in all the things she does if you follow her on social media. She does some amazing things. We are so proud of you Jenna Walker and all of our Everlasting Friends.

Good Luck to everyone!!!

Happy Reading!!!

Please visit her website by clicking down below


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Rotten Fruit

Rotten Fruit By: D.W. Cole

Not-Rated R, NC-17 ADULTS only

with 5 stars *****

Caution Tape, warning signs, trigger points, and spicy scenes. The art of universal hand gestures combined with a poet, may be the thing your crave. This book isn’t a people pleaser book, you don’t want to bring this to mom and don’t let the children have at it; however, this book does bring enlightenment to understanding the difficulties of toxic relationships and learning to save a life with a plot twist.

This isn’t a normal go to book selection, I would normally go for. But, with the conversations I have had with D.W. Cole it sparked my curiosity and interest for the dark side. Since, a group of friends really raved about it, I wanted to take a dive right into it.

This book starts with a bang, and keeps the story moving. This lends on the side of a quicker read for me. I do wish for more character development in the story; however, the book is awesome with the way it sits. Rue has a strong testimony that one could only hope for in a fictional world but you tell me if you will be reading this book too and getting to learn from Rue’s story. Please don’t tell my mom! Or the pastor of the church; therefore, I have sinned! Uh! Oh! I’m on a thrilling chase! Will you be too?!? I won’t tell if, you won’t, hee hee!

On a more serious note,

For the love of books, If you are thinking of harming yourself or others, please contact:

Suicide and Crisis Hotline (Spanish/ English): Call 988

If you can handle these deep thoughts, let me know if you are going to whirl up this book?!?

Now, if you are one of my soul sisters wanting to give this book a try, comment down below, to have first grab at this book. Limited supplies…

In Light N Love Everyone!

Happy Reading,
Alice McMurtry

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Black Bear Alibi

A Black Bear Alibi by: J. C. Fuller

I loved this book so much that I went back and forth with reading this book with it’s actually paperback copy and the audio book. I loved listening to it as I was driving around town. But, then I loved reading the paperback too because I ended up giving the books gilding the edges or was it the tainted loves or the fact there’s someone unlived in Rockfish Island, it is a mystery! But, can you tell me what I loved more? It is so hard not to spill this story.

I really love the undertones that she gives you while you are sitting on the edge if you are right for who did it?!?

This book deserves 5 stars and sealed with


Way to go, J.C. Fuller!!!!

For a chance to win an autograph copy with red edging, and some handcrafted bookish things…

here’s what you gotta do…

Comment on this review…

Be an everlasting friend

Have a shipping address within the United States

A Black Bear Alibi by: J. C. Fuller

I loved this book so much that I went back and forth with reading this book with it’s actually paperback copy and the audio book. I loved listening to it as I was driving around town. But, then I loved reading the paperback too because I ended up giving the books gilding the edges or was it the tainted loves or the fact there’s someone unlived in Rockfish Island, it is a mystery! But, can you tell me what I loved more? It is so hard not to spill this story.

I really love the undertones that she gives you while you are sitting on the edge if you are right for who did it?!?

This book deserves 5 stars and sealed with


Way to go, J.C. Fuller!!!!

For a chance to win an autograph copy with red edging, and some handcrafted bookish things…

here’s what you gotta do…

  1. Comment on this review…

  2. Be an everlasting friend

  3. Have a shipping address within the United States

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Do you know that the light within is calling you too? I sure do! It's time to pick up this book and get reading to go on an dystopian world adventure. Penelope is living in a world that is dark and destructive. She must save herself! During this journey she realizes that she carries a light within. She also finds a best friend in the strangest of places with a slow burn of attraction that is set between them. He helps her through obstacles that is life wrenching. This isn't even the best part of the story, it's when she realizes that she has more inside her than just to fight for her own survival but her true calling. Now, in the life you are living what's your story calling you to be... In this story Penelope is head strong, raising above every obstacle that comes her way. We have a lot to embrace from Penelope. Let me know if you read this story and how it helps you focus in on your light within at I dare you, Go READ! So, we can get book talking. Everyone has life obstacles to overcome but are you just living for survival or to live for more, just like Pen. Love N Light, EVERYONE!

Happy Reading Everyone,

Alice McMurtry


For your chance to win.

1). must be a member of the everlasting friends community

2). Comment on this blog

3). Ships only to a United States address

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It is time to begin our journey reading UNNATURAL by: H.M. DuVal. Please let me know if you have read this book or will be reading this book, for your chance to win an autograph book. I would love to have my everlasting friends reading together.

Happy Reading Everyone,

Alice McMurtry


For your chance to win.

1). must be a member of the everlasting friends community

2). Comment on this blog

3). Ships only to a United States address

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