Do you know that the light within is calling you too? I sure do! It's time to pick up this book and get reading to go on an dystopian world adventure. Penelope is living in a world that is dark and destructive. She must save herself! During this journey she realizes that she carries a light within. She also finds a best friend in the strangest of places with a slow burn of attraction that is set between them. He helps her through obstacles that is life wrenching. This isn't even the best part of the story, it's when she realizes that she has more inside her than just to fight for her own survival but her true calling. Now, in the life you are living what's your story calling you to be... In this story Penelope is head strong, raising above every obstacle that comes her way. We have a lot to embrace from Penelope. Let me know if you read this story and how it helps you focus in on your light within at readmybook.net I dare you, Go READ! So, we can get book talking. Everyone has life obstacles to overcome but are you just living for survival or to live for more, just like Pen. Love N Light, EVERYONE!

Happy Reading Everyone,

Alice McMurtry


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