What gifts/talents do you bring to this world?

Hello Book-Lovers,

I hope you are having a wonderful day! I just finished reading, “A Touch of Kindness” by R. Loomis. This book was a very fun and sweet story. I think it’s awesome for every age even though the age is Y.A. After reflecting about gifts and talents it made me wonder what my gifts are?!? I usually just do things to evoke feelings or to make people feel loved or just for a laugh but I never thought about kindness being a gift within itself. I always thought of it as an expectation.

When I started teaching I used to love to sneak into the staff room but put little tiny thoughtful things in the mailbox for all staff. So, this year for the first day of school for the staff I thought about doing something a little different. I don’t want to share that until I get it together and given to the staff. However, I don’t think I will have enough to produce for each person. So, let’s stay in touch to see what happens. I am so excited for this upcoming school year because my book is almost at its fruition and for the many good things up ahead.

So, what is your talent and gifts to share with this world?

I look forward to hearing about the good you are doing in your life as well.

Happy Reading,

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