What would you do to prove your love?

Hello Book-Lovers,

I hope your day was as delightful as mine! I am asking you what you would do to prove your love because of the book, “It Starts With US.” This book has mixed reviews due to book 1. However, Colleen Hoover did note in the beginning  this book was a slower pace book. I also have noticed that some people are taking notes about allegations against her son and are making a choice not to read her stories anymore. But, what about you?

This also ties into the story because of how Atlas and Lily’s relationship develops throughout the story.  They both have to take things slow but at the same time deal with life events that take place in the story. I really enjoyed the parts where they show they care for each other even when they are so tired and fall asleep. It is now on my bucket list of things to have for when I settle down and get a husband. I will be watching how they will show they care even when life storms blow through or to the days that I am so tired that I fall to sleep.

I remember one time with my ex-boyfriend that I was so tired that I refused to cook that day, it happened to be after a 13 hour workday. He also knew in advance that I would not be cooking dinner that night and he mentioned that he was happy to make dinner that night. But, the reality is…he didn’t. Looking back on that I was upset but then I cooled off after a short period of time. But, I wished I would’ve paid more attention to the small things, taking notes of all the words and actions. I would've saved myself so much time knowing he wasn’t the one for me. And, that was the hardest thing. I am just grateful that I didn’t marry that one after all.

I often think about how I will show my future husband that I care because at this point I really don’t have the time to be dating between reading and writing, spending time with family, and having a passionate career. In good timing, good things will come together; so for now I will stay focused on “World Domination.” ;-)

Here are my questions for you.

1) What would you do to prove your love?

2). How do you know you are loved or that you weren’t?

3). Have you read this book?

4). Have you or will you be watching the movie, “It ends with us?”

5). How do you feel about the allegations regarding Colleen Hoover’s son?

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry


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