Moments By: Heather Zinda

By Zinda, Heather
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Hello Book Lovers,

This book gives the vibe of being a memoir, the feeling of relatable events that took place for all life lessons and emotions. I am proud of Mykaela for taking her trip and finding herself. This is the book to read if you want to explore right from the comfort of your own seat. I give it a 4.8 well-done. Heather Zinda

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Happy Reading,

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THE GIFT OF Being Yourself

This is a beautiful book! I circled a couple of things in this book that I really loved! It really gave your another mindshift of being yourself with using story of Jesus and other people. It was just empowering to read. I loved that it connected so much through the stories of Jesus and how it resonates for living in today’s world. It was inspriational. How did it impact you?

In Love & Light, Everyone!

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