The One: A Thriller

The One written by: Audrey J. Cole

(Book Review is at the bottom)

I am excited to announce that this is our book for the upcoming book from our TBR.

Are you ready for a thriller?

Here’s a little sneak peek

“…To save their marriage, Sloane must forgive her husband’s affair. Instead, she tries a more tempting option-settling the score.

But will it prove to be a deadly mistake?”

Now, it’s time to go read!

Be back soon!!!

In Love N Light

Alice McMurtry

Book REVIEW *****5 Stars *****

This book is a page turner. She does a great job with building tensity with the characters, the story line, and she keeps you on your toes. I give it a 5 because of the dynamics of the story. She also stays true to the nature of the characters and sticking with what they firmly believe is the best thing to do. I really enjoy this book, when I first picked it up it was not what I thought it was going to be about, I was so happy about that. So, now it’s your turn to pick it up and start to turn the page. It’s time to dive in!

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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Rotten Fruit

Rotten Fruit By: D.W. Cole

Not-Rated R, NC-17 ADULTS only

with 5 stars *****

Caution Tape, warning signs, trigger points, and spicy scenes. The art of universal hand gestures combined with a poet, may be the thing your crave. This book isn’t a people pleaser book, you don’t want to bring this to mom and don’t let the children have at it; however, this book does bring enlightenment to understanding the difficulties of toxic relationships and learning to save a life with a plot twist.

This isn’t a normal go to book selection, I would normally go for. But, with the conversations I have had with D.W. Cole it sparked my curiosity and interest for the dark side. Since, a group of friends really raved about it, I wanted to take a dive right into it.

This book starts with a bang, and keeps the story moving. This lends on the side of a quicker read for me. I do wish for more character development in the story; however, the book is awesome with the way it sits. Rue has a strong testimony that one could only hope for in a fictional world but you tell me if you will be reading this book too and getting to learn from Rue’s story. Please don’t tell my mom! Or the pastor of the church; therefore, I have sinned! Uh! Oh! I’m on a thrilling chase! Will you be too?!? I won’t tell if, you won’t, hee hee!

On a more serious note,

For the love of books, If you are thinking of harming yourself or others, please contact:

Suicide and Crisis Hotline (Spanish/ English): Call 988

If you can handle these deep thoughts, let me know if you are going to whirl up this book?!?

Now, if you are one of my soul sisters wanting to give this book a try, comment down below, to have first grab at this book. Limited supplies…

In Light N Love Everyone!

Happy Reading,
Alice McMurtry

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