If you had one wish to go back into time, where would you go?

It’s time to talk about being in the depths of despair while searching for the will to live! If you could go back in time to a regret to out live it again just to see what the outcome could’ve been. Would you? Would you want to stay? Would you want to switch to another moment in your life instead?

Sometimes, I feel like I just live my life in a Satire kind of style with one problem after another. I usually just laugh it off. Like having a front yard full of dirt. The cars that love to live in the shop. Then I face the will to live when the dishes are stacked up but yet I don’t feel like doing them but it’s a must! If I don’t, how would I ever eat again? lol.  But, would I trade in my best friend in for what I thought was happiness? Well, I guess you will have to readmybook! LOL! I did take up the challenge to answer what do I want. And, soon this book will be published. It’s a good question to ask, did I trade him in to give birth to my book? ;-) I thought it was just going to be this one time publishing but stay tuned because there is so much instore for us all. As for now, let me know if you are going to enjoy reading this British Satire book that is finding the will to live at “The Midnight Library.”  This book is brilliantly created by Matt Haig, it is worth it’s awards but you must read to find out why. Enjoy!

In Love N Light

Alice McMurtry

AKA: Ms.TeacherAlice

Up Next:

Book Review: Part of Your World Abby Jimenez

Currently Reading: Meet Zara by Eva Lauder

Book Update: I am waiting on the author copy and I made an order of bookmarks that will be arriving soon. In the meantime, I have been working on wrapping up other author merch while creating Friction’s book merch. However, I have a very important question to ask…

Since, I am making a book merch for Friction Strikes a Light Within…

I want to do P.R. Boxes and some deluxe boxes with gifts for readers to open as they read along kind of like an advent calendar. However, I want the book edges to be gilded and put notes to let readers pause and open a gift. This would mean that the book would have to be cracked open to do so.  Now, would you rather crack your own book or would you like to have the gifts and gilded edges? Please let me know…  Your soon to be author in dire need!!!!

Next Book Merch to be sent out: D.W. Cole and Jenna Walkers….

Happy Reading Everyone!

In Light N Love!!!!

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