How would you save your life when faced with a Demon?

Hello Book Lovers,

What would you do to save your life when faced with a demon?

I bring you Cheyenne Jenvey’s book Dragonflies and Demons. She has one powerful testimony. I can see her being a motivational speaker and I can also see this as a movie.

When I read this book streams of tears poured from my face. I did not grow up with a silver spoon or a white picket fence. When I was younger I always dreamt of those things. But, I was always happy that my mom made so much happen with the little that she had.

It has also come up a lot this last week that my brother paid for my driving school. And, just a couple weeks ago my oldest is now in driving school. The same exact driving school with the same instructor. In my town, it’s known as the right of passage for driving. I am very grateful for it.

When I was younger, I really connected myself with the Salvation Army church. I loved that they helped so many people without any judgments. When I attended it was the first time in my life where I made so many friends. And, now I have had friends around the world since then. I am very grateful because it always gave such a positive experience and a close bond with God.

I started to go in the 7th grade just as the pastors were switching a lot of people left and a lot of new people came too. I ended up staying because I was watching how some of my friends were giving in to the gang and drug lifestyle. I would beg for them all to go to church with me but to some that was more important so we all went our separate ways then other friends became like family to me.   In January of my 7th grade year that is when I truly accepted the love of God in my life as a savior.  Even though I did not go through Cheyenne’s experiences in life. I am very thankful that I had avoided those demons as well. I also believe it was through the work of God that saved me.

When I became an adult I went through some life-crisis. I started to go to therapy. My heart gets full instantly when I am able to help others or craft things. It’s always been like that since I was little. However, I had one heart break after the other. Where I literally cried everyday for a very long time. So, she (my life coach, therapist) challenged me to really think about my life and where I would like to be.

Since I loved helping others I worked on becoming a teacher. It took some years to complete but I had dedicated myself everyday to achieve it. I ended up with 2 teaching credentials and a master’s degree and an extra authorization.  By the end of it, my personal life was crumbling while questioning my life.  Once again God has put some amazing people in my life to help me keep moving forward. This was not easy, I kept working with my doctors and my therapist as my life coach because it brought me right back to the next question.  What is my dream life?

It took me years to answer this once again. Although I still have a passion for teaching, I want to dedicate myself to keeping the family name alive.  It breaks my heart that less and less people are aware of the works of other related members in the McMurtry family. I feel now that it is hidden in plain sight. Soon, very soon I will get to share my poetry book with the world around us, in hopes that it will help others and build everlasting friends. I appreciate you for even taking the time to read to the end to find that for me it always circles around with building faith all over and connecting with God’s people. It’s normally not my vibe to be this open about my personal beliefs because I want everyone to feel welcomed here. I hope that you will be comfortable sharing…

How would you save your life when faced with a Demon?

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What’s really important?

Hello Book-Lovers,

Today we are chatting about the book, “Part of Your World,” by Abby Jimenez. This story is one I could see in the movies.  It makes you feel all kinds of emotions; especially with falling in love over a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich. It was easy to visualize. And, at the end it made me realize that I am pursuing my own family legacy. While the characters were finding theirs.  It was an interesting journey because they both come from two different worlds. I don’t want to give any spoiler alerts; so, how about we talk about the family legacy you are leaving for your world.

As for me, if I have a half life then I just want to be able to leave behind a book for them to read purposefully to evoke feelings. I just sent off some sketches and some more edits for the revision from actually reading the book. I really can’t wait for this to come to fruition. And, for you as my everlasting friend to read it as well. I wonder what emotions it will bring out for you as well?

So, what things are you doing for the world around you; even if it seems it doesn’t belong?  Will you follow through with your own legacy you want to live out?  How will this tell the world around you that love conquers all?

Let me know if you have read or are going to read, “Part of Your World,” by Abby Jimenez.

Happy Readings,

Alice McMurtry

In Light N Love Everyone!

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Stop Procrastinating

Hello Book Lovers,

Are you ready for a life changing experience to the point you stop putting things off and you are able to accomplish everything you are set out to do with time to spare. Then I shall bring to your attention, “Eat That Frog! By: Brian Tracy.  I originally picked up this book because I was going through a time in life that I felt like I had a foggy brain and that I wasn’t as productive as I would’ve liked to be. It is hard to have a well-balanced lifestyle; plus, I just thought the title was a fun one with the benefit of learning 21 strategies, would be amazing. And, it was with some good analogies too!

When I read this book it gave me so many ideas and things to stay motivated to actually be more productive. I reflect back on my life’s journey at all of my accomplishments; it makes me proud of myself and especially the one that I will get to share with you in the near future. I just wanted to share this just in case you or anyone else would like to find ways to help with stop procrastinating. As your friend, I know life can be daunting sometimes and finding a place to start at can be difficult; however, with “Eat That Frog, it doesn’t have to be. I hope this helps you with continuing to build a life to love.

Happy Reading,

Alice McMurtry

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