So, what’s the good news… It’s YOU, inspiring me to keep going!!!

Now, the question is…

Where are we going????

Before I answer that…

Let me say this loud….


I am so thankful for everyone’s love and support.

Even through the hardship from TikTok the banning of my account, some have decided to stay to support me along the way. It makes me smile knowing you are still here.

I appreciate that every much. It helps every step of the way.

Since, the banning of TikTok, I have been thinking about reconstructing the structure of the website, blogs, and prizes. I really miss sending out prizes. It was so much fun getting to engage with everyone and making more friends along the way.

So, I will get back to doing that but I am rewiring it.

Although, I am keeping my promise for sending out the prize for my first blogger soon. I can’t wait!!!!

But, let’s get to the good news…

My lit agent got my book back from the board for the approval for publishing…

So, now we are in the middle of creating and agreeing on the contract.

Up Next, is to discuss it again and finalize it …

I will make a video soon!!

If you have any suggestions for the video idea. Please let me know.

Cheers for the pursuit of chasing all our dreams!!! And, not just to let them sit during daydreaming but take them, make some marks; until, they become our reality.

Keep dreaming, goal making, and reality living!

In Light & Love,


Alice McMurtry


Book Insights